
Paul Favara, PE, LEED Green Associate, CH2M

Paul Favara is a Global Practice Director for Site Remediation and Revitalization at CH2M.  He has over 30 years of experience in site characterization, remediation engineering, and implementing site cleanup remedies.  He has been a member of the Sustainable Remediation Forum (SURF) since 2007, and has served as an officer on the SURF Board of Directors as Vice President in 2010 and President in 2011.

James Workman

James has over 20 years of successful CEO and leadership experience in the education, business, and consulting fields. The majority of his time has been spent in the non-profit sector. His career has been distributed between various international and stateside locations. The international experiences were in challenging locations including Eastern Europe, South-East Asia, and Western Africa.

Dr. Neil W Polhemus

Dr. Polhemus is Chief Technology Officer for Statpoint Technologies, Inc. and directs the development of STATGRAPHICS. He received his B.S.E. and Ph.D. degrees from the School of Engineering and Applied Science at Princeton University, under the tutelage of Dr. J. Stuart Hunter. Dr.

Dr. Root Routledge

Dr. Routledge is president of Alpine Analytics, located in Durango, Colorado. He has a PhD in Industrial Engineering, an MBA, an MS in Statistics (with emphasis in ecology, environmental science & natural resource management), and a BS in Mechanical Engineering. Root has over 30 years of scientific, engineering, business and management experience in industry and government. He was on the industrial engineering faculty at Oregon State University.


Dr. D. Michael Johns

Dr. Johns is an aquatic scientist who specializes in aquatic ecological risk assessments (ERAs), particularly those associated with contaminated sediment. The focus of his 30 years of professional experience has been on the effects of toxic pollutants on aquatic organisms. Dr. Johns is responsible for the management of large, multi-task, multi-disciplinary environmental investigations, including remedial investigation/feasibility studies (RI/FSs) and natural resource damage assessments (NRDAs).

NWETC Instructors

NWETC will provide an experienced qualified instructor.

Rick McBroom

Rick McBroom has over 25 years of experience in all aspects of the Stormwater field. As a Trainer, he brings real world experience from both Private and Public sectors prospective and will share that knowledge with you to help you manage projects while meeting regulatory requirements efficiently. Rick is actively involved with all aspects of the NPDES permit and currently manages the following programs:

Stephen Dailey


Stephen Dailey comes to NWETC with a broad range of experience gained over 25 years in the environmental consulting industry in service to private and public sector clients primarily in the western United States.  Mr. Dailey is currently the principal of an environmental consulting firm based in Shoreline, Washington.  He is committed to responsiveness and stewardship throughout the project life cycle.

Curtis Hinman

Curtis Hinman is a Senior Stormwater Scientist based in Bellingham, Washington. Mr. Hinman has led academic programs and managed a diverse portfolio of projects ranging from bioretention media research, green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) design and statewide and national LID training programs. His most current research focused on developing high-performance plant-soil systems for stormwater filtration.

Michael Taraszki

A Professional Geologist and a Certified Hydrogeologist in California, Mike has been performing hydrogeologic investigations since 1992 and managing multi-million dollar projects since 2008 (as a Project Manager Professional since 2010). Most of his experience has been in southern California but has also worked in northern California, Nevada, and New Hampshire.

Bryan Ham, Ph.D.

Dr. Bryan Ham is a professional analytical chemist, an analytical chemistry instructor, mass spectrometrist, chemistry book author, and software coder (VB.Net and VBA for MS Access and Excel). He has worked in analytical chemistry laboratories for over 25 years including environmental, petrochemical (monomers/polymers), petroleum, foodstuff, and life sciences research, giving him a very broad background in analytical chemistry analysis, instrumental analysis, and laboratory management. He has a BA in Chemistry, and a Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry.

Aihui MaHam, Ph.D.

Dr. Aihui MaHam is a professional analytical chemist, an analytical chemistry instructor, and a chemistry book author. She is an expert in the field of inorganic materials chemistry, and their characterization. She specializes in inorganic instrumental analyses utilizing scanning electron microscopy (SEM), x-ray diffraction and x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRD/XRF), inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), and low and high resolution ICP-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). She has a BS in Chemistry Education, an MSc in Physical Chemistry, and a Ph.D.

Geof Givens, Ph.D.

Dr. Geof Givens is a statistician with broad expertise in applied statistics and particular interest in statistical methods for conservation biology, ecology and the environment. After retiring as Emeritus Associate Professor of Statistics from Colorado State University, he founded Givens Statistical Solutions LLC where he leads a diverse array of scientific projects. He has authored over 120 journal articles and scientific reports, along with the bestselling textbook Computational Statistics which is used in over 25 countries.

Brian Fulfrost

Brian is currently founding principal at Oregon Freshwater Simulations and also teaches GIS for sustainable planning at Washington State University in Vancouver, WA and at San Francisco State University.  Brian has been a strong advocate for the use of GIS, remote sensing and related technologies to assist decision makers, land and resource managers and urban planners to make more informed decisions. For nearly 20 years, he has been using and teaching the use of geospatial technologie

Dr. Barrett L. Kays

Dr. Barrett L. Kays is an expert investigator and witness specialized in earth sciences involving soil, hydrology, and groundwater science.  Dr. Kays has conducted numerous forensic investigations involving construction, water resource, sedimentation, flooding, wastewater, and contamination damages.  He has also been involved in unusual eminent domain, and inverse eminent domain cases in federal and state courts.  Dr.

Dr Laurel J. Standley


Dr. Laurel J. Standley, Principal of Clear Current, is an independent environmental consultant with over twenty years experience in water quality and policy. Her areas of expertise include developing water management plans, tracking sources of contamination to water resources, and protecting freshwater resources for uses such as safe drinking water sources, healthy fisheries, and reduced flooding. Examples of her work include the following:

Scott Andrews

Scott A. Andrews serves as co-founder of Asarum Consulting, which provides policy and technical assistance on Tribal environmental regulation, assessment and compliance, as well as, climate change issues.  As Environmental Compliance Manager for the Swinomish Tribe from 2001 to 2020, Mr. Andrews’ responsibilities spanned environmental regulation and enforcement and the development of related policies and ordinances.

Blair Barnhardt

Blair Barnhardt is an award winning National Highway Institute (NHI) Certified Instructor for FHWA, a National Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) Trainer, and an America Public Works Association (APWA) Carl Vinson Institute Instructor for their Certificate of Public Works Management Program. He is one of the few rare individuals in this nation with direct experience orchestrating the work for all three sub-disciplines of in-place asphalt recycling covered in the FHWA/ARRA Basic Asphalt Recycling Manual (BARM) textbook.

Lisa Bauer Saban

Ms. Saban, a partner at Windward Environmental, has served as a project manager, lead scientist, or technical advisor for environmental assessments and evaluations over the past two decades. She has managed and conducted environmental studies on the local, national, and international level, for both private- and public-sector clients. She has extensive negotiation experience in client-stakeholder interactions and managing complex projects related to ecological risk assessments (ERAs), sediment investigations, and natural resource damage assessments (NRDAs).

Anna Bremmer

Since 1990, Anna Bremmer has facilitated marketing, project management analysis, and value analysis for environmental consulting, transportation and land use planning, civil engineering, geotechnical engineering, architecture, general contracting, construction management, and dispute resolution.

Dr. Rocko A. Brown

Dr. Rocko Brown is an expert design geomorphologist who uniquely balances applied and scientific aspects of geomorphology and engineering. He focuses on process-based assessment and restoration of fisheries resources through channel manipulation integrating geomorphic, hydraulic and ecological frameworks. He has extensive experience in hydraulic and sediment transport modeling and design for fish passage improvements, channel design, large wood and instream habitat structures, and bank stabilization.

Lindsay Burton, for ExxonMobil Environmental Services Company (EMES)

Lindsay Burton is the Facilitator for ExxonMobil Environmental Services Company (EMES) Green and Sustainable Remediation (GSR) network as well as the Operations Integrity Management System (OIMS) Coordinator. She has been with EMES since graduating from Clemson University in 2013 with a BS in Biological Systems Engineering and has had previous assignments managing a portfolio of retail remediation sites in addition as well as a project development role.

Dr. Kirk Cameron

Dr. Kirk Cameron is the founder and president of MacStat Consulting, Ltd. in Colorado Springs, Colorado, a statistical consulting firm specializing in environmental statistical applications and problem-solving. He has over 20 years of experience in teaching and consulting to USEPA, DoD, DoE, the US Air Force, and private environmental and medical firms. Dr.

Richard F. Carbonaro, Ph.D., P.E.

Dr. Richard F. Carbonaro has worked as an environmental engineer for over fifteen years, specializing in the fate and transport of contaminants in soil, groundwater and sediments. Rich consults on a wide range of environmental engineering topics, including remediation of heavy metals, water quality, contaminant fate and transport, groundwater geochemistry, hazardous waste remediation, and environmental forensics.


James Carsner

Jim Carsner is a graduate of the University of Washington, College of Fisheries and certified Professional Wetland Scientist with over 30 years of diverse professional experience in environmental consulting throughout the Northwest. His work has involved projects throughout Oregon and Washington and in Idaho, California, and Montana.

Kevin Ceder


Kevin Ceder is an Ecosystems Analyst with Cramer Fish Sciences. Kevin has 10 years experience using quantitative methods to support data-driven, integrated resource management, planning and assessment. He excels in developing tools that reduce complex processes to easy-to-use and easy-to-understand systems for decision-makers. Kevin has over 10 years of experience using R as his primary data management and analysis tool and excels in providing R programming solutions.  He has provided R training and coaching to a diverse clientele.

Apryle Craig

Apryle Craig earned a BS in BioEngineering from the University of Pittsburgh and Master's in Ecology at Colorado State University. Her master's research investigated the impacts of elk browsing and riparian willow restoration on bird communities in Rocky Mountain National Park, CO. She brings extensive experience from Rocky Mountain National Park where she worked as a park intepretive ranger, communicating the park's natural resources to non-scientists.

Jan Dean, Ph.D.

Jan Dean, Ph.D Fisheries Science Virginia Tech University 1982, has taught five-day electrofishing courses for the USFWS National Conservation Training Center in several states (MO, AR, LA, AL, FL, NM, AZ, MI, CO), some multiple times, and in New South Wales, Australia since 2008. He has also taught three-day electrofishing classes in CA and AZ for the Northwest Environmental Training Center.

Barbara DeCaro

Barbara DeCaro is a horticulturist and senior environmental analyst with Seattle Parks and Recreation, where she develops policy, procedures, best management practices and complementary staff training programs for conservation and management of public landscapes. Barbara has extensive experience in facilitation, training adults, organizing educational seminars and presenting applied science information to the community, peers and government officials.


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