**If this course has Remote Live Attendance -- USA as the location, it is a live stream remote course. You will need a computer and an internet connection.
**If this course has a city and state as the location, we will be attempting to hold the course in-person at the listed location with course times listed in the host city's time zone; however, due to gathering restrictions and health concerns, NWETC reserves the right to convert this course to a live remote streaming course. If you would like more information or have any questions, please contact us via email or phone 425 270 3274.
Because new NEPA regulations were published in July 2020 and became effective in September 2020, there are new and more “difficult” questions about understanding and transitioning to these new regulations. The new changes are covered in detail.
NEPA is often criticized for costing too much, taking too long, and accomplishing too little. If you have any role in the NEPA process, you have a stake in the answers discussed in this seminar.
You’ve been to training on the basics, the fundamentals, the essentials, the step-by-step. You’ve been to refreshers and updates. It’s time to take the National Environmental Policy Act to the next level – Advanced NEPA.
You are encouraged to bring your own questions for discussion and resolution. This is a seminar format with significant time reserved for discussion rather than lecture. Handout materials are substantial and based on statutes, regulations, and case law rather than on opinion or past practice.
Expect a fast-paced day. During this seminar the questions that do not arise in the basic courses will be asked and answered – questions related to the categorical exclusion, the environmental assessment, the finding of no significant impact, and the environmental impact statement.
** This course is designed to be attended AFTER our 2-day presentation of "NEPA: the law, logic, and language of the National Environmental Policy Act ". We recommend registering for that course prior to registering for this seminar. When registering for both courses together, there is a $50 discount. **
"Owen does a great job explaining complex materials in an easily understandable way" Anonymous, August 2015 "[There was] Enthusiastic discussion between instructor and participants…real examples to compare/discuss/review." B. Campbell, March 2013 "I liked the enthusiasm and extensive knowledge that applied to a wide range of projects." K. Becker, October 2013 |