Fish Behavior (in the context of fish passage)
Preliminary Design Data Needs
Fish Ladder Design Types and Features
Exclusion Barriers
Fish Traps
Fishway Design Exercise
Common Problems
**Note - For every course we have implemented live stream remote attendance options for those who prefer a no-contact alternative to in-person attendance. You will need a computer and an internet connection. We will follow the maximum in-person meeting size as per health authorities and if recommended we will only offer remote attendance.
If conditions permit, you are welcome to attend the course in-person, we likely will have between 5 to 10 in-person attendee's in a large room to provide safe spacing. We also wipe every surface down and provide hand washing and disinfectant wipes as a courtesy. If you would like more information or have any questions, please contact us via email or phone 425 270 3274.
This course will take a multidisciplinary approach to fish passage design development processes, focusing on practices established in the Pacific Northwest over the last 30 years. Emphasis will be placed on fish behavior and its role in site selection and other fishway features. In addition, this course will cover the need for fishways, the obstacles posing an impediment to their construction, and the different types of “exclusion barriers” (barriers designed for management purposes) that are currently being used. Different types of fish ladders, lifts, and locks will be described with discussion of features and design criteria. Participants will benefit from a fishway design exercise, paired with a discussion of common operation and maintenance challenges. General graphics and facility photos will augment discussions.
Course includes touring nearby fish passage facilities and, in some cases, sampling fish processed by facilities. This tour allows for fishways and design principles covered in class to be observed in full operation, including a trap where salmon are being diverted into sample facilities for processing by local biologists.
Intended Audience: This class is tailored for engineers, biologists, managers, and those interested in fish passage.
Course Materials: Attendees will receive a binder containing workshop proceedings and reference material.
Continuing Education Units: 1.3 CEUs
*Reduced tuition is available to employees of Native American tribes, government agencies, and nonprofits; students; and NAEP members.
If you have any difficulties or questions regarding registration please call 425-270-3274
Please wait to receive a course confirmation email, roughly one month prior to the class, before making any travel arrangements.
Attendees will receive a binder containing workshop proceedings and reference material.
Once your order has been placed, you are subject to our cancellation policy regardless of the status of your invoice.
Attendee replacement acceptable at anytime.
Course registration fees and cancellation policy are subject to change without notice.
Fish Behavior (in the context of fish passage)
Preliminary Design Data Needs
Fish Ladder Design Types and Features
Exclusion Barriers
Fish Traps
Fishway Design Exercise
Common Problems
Classroom Day (Day 1): Pen or pencil, notepad, coffee mug, and a water bottle (to reduce waste). Coffee, tea, breakfast pastries, drinks and snacks will be provided each day. Lunch on your own.
Field Day (Day 2): Please wear comfortable clothes appropriate for the prevailing weather and for working in the field. Lunch will be provided for each student.
Click here to be notified when this course is scheduled in your area. Please note what state is most convenient for you.
Pacific Salmonids: Spawning Habitat Restoration
Boat Electrofishing: Principles and Practices
Backpack Electrofishing: Principles and Practices
Control and Management of Non-Native Invasive Fish
Boat-Backpack Electrofishing: Principles and Practices
Habitat Restoration Webinar Series: Planning and Implementing a Successful Restoration Plan
Collecting and Handling of Water Samples for Trace Metal Analysis
Environmental Forensics in Water Resources
Fundamental Contaminant Chemistry in Soil and Groundwater
Emerging Contaminants Workshop
Environmental Forensics-Site Characterization and Remediation
Comprehensive Environmental Sampling: Methodology, Practice, and Analysis
PFOS, PFAS, PFOA, and Emerging Contaminants
Chemistry Laboratory Techniques for the Chemist and Technician - A Comprehensive Review
Facilitation Skills For Environmental Professionals
Persuasive Communication and Presentation of Environmental Projects
Collaborative Negotiation Skills for Environmental Professionals
Conflict Resolution Skills for Environmental Professionals
Collaborative Negotiations and Conflict Management for Environmental Professionals
Effective Speaking When The Heat is On
Lean and Six Sigma for Environmental Professionals: Full Series Webinar Recording
Public Relations and Collaboration Challenges Intensive
Facilitating Online and Remote Meetings-Webinar RECORDED
Facilitation Skills and Collaborative Negotiation Training for Environmental Professionals
Managing Difficult Workplace Conversations
17½ Tips To Improve Your In-Person and Conference Call Meetings
Lean Thinking: Process Management Made Easy
Citizen Science Best Practices
Persuasive Online and Written Presentations: When Information is Not Enough
Conflict Resolution Quick Start: Get More Work Done by Resolving Conflicts Effectively
Foundations of Online Meetings: a Quick Start Guide for Effective and Efficient Video Conferencing
Persuasive Presentations Quick Start: Get Your Audience to Stop, Listen, and Act!
Oregon Erosion and Sediment Control 1200-C Permit Webinar
Tribal Environmental Regulation and Jurisdiction
Introduction to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
Model Toxics Control Act: An Introduction
New Approaches and Implementation Methods for Municipal Stormwater Management
NEPA: The Law, Logic, and Language of the National Environmental Policy Act
Industrial Stormwater Management Workshop
Advanced NEPA-An intensive one-day seminar with solutions to the most difficult NEPA problems
Natural Resource Damage Assessment Workshop
Writing a Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP)
NEPA: Writing and Evaluating an EIS or EA/FONSI
The Complete Legislative History of NEPA
Introduction To The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
Principles of Quality Assurance and Quality Control in Environmental Field Programs
Introduction to Aquatic Toxicology
Planning and Preparing an Ecological Risk Assessment
New Approaches in Remediation of Contaminated Sediments
Brownfield Site Restoration and Remediation
Groundwater Contamination and Remediation: Principles and Practices
Ecological Risk Assessment-An Introduction: Webinar
Ecological Risk Assessment: Advanced Webinar
Assessing Contaminants in Subsistence Resources
Ecological Risk Assessment Series: Introduction and Advanced RECORDED
Establishing and Demonstrating Compliance with Sediment Cleanup Standards
ArcGIS PRO: Geoprocessing-Advanced Techniques for Environmental Applications
ArcGIS PRO: An Introduction to Environmental Applications
Visualizing and Analyzing Environmental Data with R
Advanced GIS Techniques for Fisheries Data Management and Analysis
Basic Statistics for Environmental Professionals
Microsoft Access Part 1: Introduction to Building Environmental Databases-WEBINAR
Microsoft Access Part 2: Creating Efficient Workflows and Custom Tools-WEBINAR
Microsoft Excel Up to Speed Part 1: Shortcuts, Functions, and Charts WEBINAR-RECORDED
Microsoft Excel Up to Speed Part 2: Analysis and Visual Basic Programming WEBINAR RECORDED
Microsoft Excel Up to Speed Parts 1 and 2
Microsoft Access Webinar Parts 1 and 2
Introduction to Environmental Applications with ArcGIS PRO
Evaluating Data Quality for Decision Making
CESCL: Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead Training
EPA's New Unified Guidance: Statistical Analysis of Groundwater Monitoring Data
Achieving Water Quality Standards Through Contaminant Trackdown Studies
CESCL: Erosion and Sediment Control Lead Training 2-Day in Oregon
Waters of the United States Webinar-Recorded
Chemically Contaminated Drinking Water in the U.S.
Wetlands: Science and Regulatory Management
Chemically Contaminated Drinking Water in the U.S.-FREE DEMO RECORDING
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