Blair Barnhardt

Blair Barnhardt is an award winning National Highway Institute (NHI) Certified Instructor for FHWA, a National Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) Trainer, and an America Public Works Association (APWA) Carl Vinson Institute Instructor for their Certificate of Public Works Management Program. He is one of the few rare individuals in this nation with direct experience orchestrating the work for all three sub-disciplines of in-place asphalt recycling covered in the FHWA/ARRA Basic Asphalt Recycling Manual (BARM) textbook.
In addition to teaching the NHI curriculum, he is also a subject matter expert for revisions to the FHWA/NHI In-Place Asphalt Recycling Technologies workshop and a contributing editor for the BARM, the textbook used in the NHI program.
Blair is a published author in every major industry trade publication including FHWA Public Roads, Asphalt Contractor and World Highways.
Most recently Blair designed and delivered two comprehensive online certificate programs for Auburn University and University of Kansas, and a webinar series for UC Berkeley ITS Tech Transfer Program. He covers every single technical detail of pavement management, in-place asphalt recycling and pavement preservation in a very easy to understand but often passionate delivery.
His consulting firm The Barnhardt Group (TBG) has a Pacific Division Office in San Bruno, CA and an Atlantic Division Office in Kennesaw, GA. Blair has flown from every corner in North America to train agencies just like you how to save millions by implementing his “Three Legged Stool” approach.


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