Attendee Comments from CCS Live: Fundamentals of Carbon Capture & Storage

Attendees of the 2-day course in Richland, WA commented about the experience, and were proud to say, they loved it!

Wyoming Based Clean Coal Task Force Supports CCS Research

The Clean Coal Task Force has distributed $31.2 million to 42 different projects through the Clean Coal Technology Fund. These projects include research into Carbon Capture and Sequestration as well as other technologies to reduce the industrial carbon fo...

Movie Screening of "The Big Uneasy" coming to Seattle

EOS Alliance is happy to spread the word about upcoming screenings of the movie "The Big Uneasy", an exploration of what really happened in New Orleans that led to the devastation after Hurricane Katrina.

*EOS is not affiliated in any way with the producers of the film, and the views expressed in the film do not represent those of EOS Alliance. We are simply passing on the information about the screening to our friends and colleagues in case you are interested in seeing it. Below is the press release from the producers of the film:

Shell becoming a leader in Carbon Capture Project in Canada

Shell has announced that agreements and funding are complete for a CCS project in Canada

Successful Gathering of Knowledge Seekers in Richland, WA

Carbon Tech Alliance hosted a 2 day class entitled Fundamentals of Carbon Capture and Storage in Richland, WA June 14-15, 2011

Carbon Capture and Storage: Challenging, Expensive, VITAL

The debate about CCS technology continues, but more experts are championing the need for research into clean, cost-effective Carbon Capture technology.

Is the US Being Left Behind regarding Carbon Capture Technology?

America's commitment to development & testing of CCS technology is uncertain, but internationally, efforts build momentum.

DOE Funded Company Takes Next Steps on CCS Project

DOE Funded company Air Products announces plans to proceed with CCS Project

CCS and Public Understanding

A Department of Energy official pointed out how important public education is to the success of CCS projects

CCS Project Proposals Going Worldwide

The UK and 6 other countries are submitting proposals for funding for CCS projects.


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