State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Instructor

1 or 2-day contract position per course, dates flexible

High Hazard Remediation & Waste Handling Instructor

2 or 3-day contract position per course, dates flexible

Landfill Remediation and Landfill Decommissioning Instructor

2 or 3-day contract position per course, dates flexible

WA Joint Aquatic Resource Permit Application [JARPA] Instructor

1 day contract position per course, dates flexible

State Environmental Regulations Instructor

2-day contract position per course with flexible dates

Principles of Soil and Groundwater Remediation Course Instructor

2 day contract position per course, dates flexible

CERCLA Course Instructor

2 day contract position per course, dates flexible

Contaminant Chemistry, Transport, and Fate in Soil and Groundwater Instructor

2 - 5 day contract position per course series, dates flexible (other opportunities available)

National Incident Command System Instructor

2 day contract position per course, dates flexible

Contaminant Forensics Instructor

2 day contract position per course, dates flexible


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