Coastal Protection and Restoration Instructor

2 or 3-day contract position per course, dates flexible

QA/QC Screening of Laboratory Analytical Data Instructor

1 day contract position per course, dates flexible

Commercial Building Energy Auditor Certification Instructor

We are seeking certified instructors to teach commercial building energy audit certification courses. Each workshop approximately 5 days in the classroom and 6 days in the field, and taught under contract with flexible dates.

Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Accounting and Management Instructor

We are seeking multiple instructors to design workshops on emerging GHG accounting protocols and management best practices. Each workshop is 1 - 5 days and taught under contract with flexible dates.

CCS Catching on Globally...but not in the US yet

Worldwide, CCS technology and projects are gaining momentum. However, due to lack of regulation, projects in the US are slower to get going.

Carbon Capture Sequestration Technology Instructor

We are seeking multiple instructors to design workshops on emerging carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) technology and best practices. Each workshop is 1 - 5 days and taught under contract with flexible dates.

American Public Works Fall Conference

This week, we're at the APWA (American Public Works Association) Fall conference in Yakima, WA. It's a gathering of engineers, consultants, and city public works employees who have come together for two days of presentations and courses. We're at a table in the large exhibitor hall filled with everything from full-sized mockups of streetlights to games where you try to win a prize by tossing a ping pong ball through holes in a picture of different sized pipes. (It's hard!)

What is CCS and why is it important?

Pete McGrail, PhD, Laboratory Fellow at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, presents an interesting and informative overview of the goals and challenges of Carbon Capture and Storage research.

Didn't make it to the Fundamentals of CCS Live course in June? Watch the recap video

Attendees of the Live Fundamentals of Carbon Capture and Storage event experienced lectures, tours, and conversation with CCS experts, students, legislators, and interested citizens. Watch the video to see a short event recap.

Its either reduce production or go for something like CCS

Challenges loom in Alberta's quest to cut emissions by 2020, but there is a plan.


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