Annika Fain


Annika Fain has participated in marine nearshore and stream ecological restoration projects for the past 20 years. Annika has a BS in Marine Ecology, MS in Environmental Science and Engineering, and MS in Geological Oceanography. As part of her graduate research, she collected data and studied water and sediment transport in the Columbia River Estuary and the Adriatic Sea.

She has managed and completed technical analyses for habitat restoration and mitigation projects involving wetlands, streams, rivers, and estuaries in the Pacific Northwest and California. Her experience includes field work in both freshwater and marine nearshore environments along the west coast of the United States. She has modeled hydrology, hydrodynamics, and hydraulics and sediment transport in estuary, coastal, river and floodplain systems using a variety of numerical models.

Annika is a Certified Floodplain Manager and has experience with performing benefit cost analysis and implementing the FEMA community rating system. She also has conducted marine water quality, marine biology, hydrology and water quality, and geological impact analysis and performed soil surveys and water quality monitoring. 


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