Fifth international CO2 capture and storage summer school held at the University of Illinois July 17-22

The International Energy Agency International CCS Summer School attempts to address a gap in
education being provided on carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) by existing courses provided
by institutes of higher education around the world. The IEAGHG CCS Summer School is designed
to provide students and young professionals from diverse academic backgrounds with a broad
understanding of the issues surrounding CCS and encourage their active participation in this area.

The summer school is a week-long workshop with presentations and discussion groups led by
international experts in the field of CCS. The program covers every aspect of CCS and will present
up-to-date information in each field. The topics covered include sources of CO2; capture of CO2;
transportation of CO2; underground geological storage; safety; costs and economic potential of CCS;
regulatory issues; plus other topics.

In addition to structured technical presentations students are formed into teams to undertake short
research activities on a range of topics of importance within the CCS area and are expected to make a
presentation to their peers at the end of the week. Time will also be allocated for networking and for
information discussions with the assembled experts. Students leaving at the end of the week will have
developed a network of contacts in the field of CCS and will have gained a broad overview of the issues
surrounding technology development and implementation in CCS.

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