Its either reduce production or go for something like CCS

Challenges loom in Alberta's quest to cut emissions by 2020, but there is a plan. And that plan relies squarely on CCS. A new facility under development called "Quest" is expected to capture 1 million tons of CO2 per year when it is operational. The captured CO2 will be transported via a pipeline to an injection site, where it will be injected deep underground under a cap rock. That is, if the plan receives regulatory approval.

The Canadian government recently made the commitment to reducing emissions by mandating a reduction of 17% below 2005 levels by 2020 (see article here about this legislation), and the director of the project, Ian Silk says that the only choices to reduce emissions are "It's either reduce production or go for something like CCS."

The economics of the region are highly dependent on continuing high levels of oil production, so the hope is, that the CCS project will be approved, and will perform as expected.

Read the full text of the article in Alberta Oil Magazine.

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