CCS Catching on Globally...but not in the US yet

Barry Jones of the Global Institute pointed out a fundamental truth about the motivation to develop Carbon Capture technology: Without legislation, there is little incentive for companies to spend the time and money needed to make techniques more cost-effective and usable. Some countries such as the United Kingdom and Canada have enacted legislation that demands a change in coal based emissions in coming years, but the US has not enacted similar legislation nationally. Bonds stated: “In the U.S. in particular, what we’re seeing is the absence of national carbon legislation, the absence of something like a national mandate to reduce CO2, the absence of an emission trading scheme or something like that, is proving a bit of an impediment to the development of the industry.” For more on this story, see the full article here

There are many preconceptions about CCS and the costs and dangers of implementing it, but more legislators and citizens are seeking education on the topic. Organizations such as the Carbon Tech Alliance and the other regional training centers exist to provide such education, and are planning ways to spread the knowledge online, and via seminars, symposia, and courses. Stay tuned to for announcements of upcoming training opportunities. 

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