Green Gone Brown

Yesterday, the AmeriCorps team got down and dirty doing some home weatherization. We volunteered our services to a Renton homeowner who suffers from multiple chemical sensitivity. She recently had her home renovated by a fraudulent and inexperienced contractor, which resulted in a drafty, chemical-filled extension that left her sick and despairing.

She turned to Pathway Design and Construction, a local green builder, who dubbed the project "Green Gone Brown". Ginger MacDonald, the project leader, has been recruiting volunteers for months to aid the company in its effort to restore the home to a healthy and sustainable place to live. Yesterday, we turned out to do our part.

We were assigned the tasks of insulating the crawlspace and electrical outlets – a project that kept us busy for several hours. Our work will prevent the loss of hot air from the building’s envelope, an important step in weatherizing any home. 

Hopefully, with the help of Pathway Design and Construction, this home weatherization project will soon be complete.


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