EOS at Sustainable Seattle's Climate Change Impact Symposium

Sustainable Seattle (click to go to their website), an organization that has had a longtime friendship and association with EOS Alliance, sponsored a symposium that focused on Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources in the Pacific Northwest. The symposium was held at the Mountaineers conference room at Magnuson Park on May 12, 2011. Several experts including Paul Kennard, Christopher Magirl, Heejun Chang, Joanne Hedou and Patricia Olson, discussed topics ranging from Landscape Response to Climate Change, to Flooding and the Future of Local Farms.
The audience of more than 50 academics and citizens participated in lively question and answer sessions, and networked with colleagues to continue the discussions during breaks. Questions such as “What is the impact of Climate Change on the Northwest?” are too large to be answered in one symposium, but the information presented was informative, raised issues that require further thought, consideration, and action, and spread awareness of important issues.
EOS was proud to have a table at the event, and staff members James Workman, Bill Huhta, Ingrid Kimball, and Ralph Fontaine had the opportunity to meet the Sustainable Seattle team. We hope to have the chance to partner with them to bring awareness of more issues surrounding sustainability to our communities.

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