Beacon Hill International School Compost Program

Yesterday, EOS Alliance joined forces with Angela Castaneda and Carrie Ferrence of Seattle Public Schools to help promote Beacon Hill International School’s Compost Program. Kelly, Cari, Brianna, and Calvin, dressed as his alter ego the Compost Crusader, spent the day talking to kindergartners through fifth graders explaining the importance of compost.

We played games where students ordered the steps in the compost cycle, starting with eating food at school and getting all they way back to making soil that supports animal and plant life.

At lunchtime, we also helped third grade Compost Captains monitor the waste separation process of their peers. The kids handled sorting better than most adults, pouring out their liquids before recycling their cartons and bottles and asking questions when confused.

We wrapped up the day by updating the waste separation signs that greet students as they walk in the doors. Judging from the enthusiasm we witnessed from the students, compost is here to stay at Beacon Hill International School!


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