Positive news for CCS from the EPA

The text below is from carbon.energy-business-review.com/. The news has been reported in multiple publications, and indicates the EPA's support of continued research and development of safe CCS technologies.

EPA to advance the use of CCS technologies

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of US has proposed a rule to advance the use of carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) technologies.

EPA proposes CCS technology will allow carbon dioxide (CO2) to be captured at stationary sources like coal-fired power plants and large industrial operations, and injected underground for long-term storage in a process.

The proposal concludes that the management of CO2 streams under the proposed conditions does not present a substantial risk to people's health or the environment.

The proposal will provide regulatory certainty to industries considering the use of CCS technologies and will encourage the deployment of CCS technologies in a safe and environmentally protective manner.

The proposal excludes EPA's hazardous waste regulations CO2 streams that are injected for geologic sequestration in wells designated for this purpose under the safe drinking water act.

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