
Environmental Forensics-Site Characterization and Remediation

More Information
Course Title: Environmental Forensics-Site Characterization and Remediation
Course ID: CHEM-545
Status: CLOSED
Date(s): March 10, 2025: 8:30am - 4:30pm
March 11, 2025: 8:30am - 4:30pm
Location: Live Remote Attendance-- USA

Time Zone TBD, WA
Instructor: Paul Philp, PhD
Tuition: $795 / $745*
$745 / $695* (Before February 8, 2025)
Class is Closed



**Note - For every course we have implemented live stream remote attendance.  You will need a computer and an internet connection.  

If you would like more information or have any questions, please contact us via email or phone 425 270 3274.  


This 2 day course will provide attendees with a wide array of analytical techniques available to fingerprint a variety of contaminants and to address the basic questions involved in any environmental forensics study:

1. What is the contaminant(s)?

2. What is the source(s)?

3. When did the release occur?

4. Is the contaminant degrading?

In addition, there will be a discussion of why certain techniques are more appropriate than others, the problems that may be encountered when interpreting results, and what to do if there are no unique answers to some of the above questions. Examples will be provided from a variety of environmental forensic investigations involving a range of contaminants and different issues that have been encountered.

Attendees will learn the range of supporting methods used into order to prepare the strongest case possible when presenting findings.

The final topic will center around site remediation and how some of the techniques used in topics discussed above can also be used to monitor site cleanup, particularly those sites being remediated by natural attenuation.

This course is certified by Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) for 14 hours of continuing education credit.

Intended Audience:

This course will provide useful information for chemists, engineers, geologists, hydrogeologists, microbiologists, attorneys and regulators that are involved with a variety of environmental issues including contamination characterization and source determination as well as site remediation

Continuing Education Units: 1.40 CEUs

More Information

Course Topics

  • Environmental Forensics-Past and Present

  • Initial characterization of the site-groundwater flow, oxicity, salinity

  • Information needed for a successful investigation

  • Classes of Contaminants to be discussed

  • The tiered fingerprinting approach

  • Inorganic contributions to fingerprinting

  • Additional information required for successful environmental investigations

  • Age dating of contaminants-successful and unsuccessful techniques-including presence or absence of certain compounds, atmospheric contaminants, radioactive isotopes, tree-ring dating

  • Monitoring site remediation-most appropriate techniques.

  • Natural attenuation

  • Case Histories

  • State specific cases

About the Instructor

Paul Philp, PhD

Paul Philp, PhD

Dr. Philp is an instructor and researcher whose research interests include Petroleum, Environmental and Forensic geochemistry with the emphasis on molecular and isotopic characterization of oils, gases, rock extracts and contaminants for the purposes of source determination, characterization of depositional environments, maturity, biodegradation and for correlation purposes.

He has been a Professor of Petroleum Geochemistry at the University of Oklahoma since 1987, and in addition has presented papers at a number of International meetings. He has taught a number of Petroleum and Environmental Geochemistry courses in the following countries and to the following companies: Yacimentos Petroleo Fiscales, Buenos Aires, Argentina; China at invitation of Academia Sinica to lecture at various institutes and universities; Japanese National Oil Company in Tokyo; Petrobras, Brazil; New Zealand Geological Survey on petroleum geochemistry; INTEVP - Caracas, Venezuela; Taiwanese National Oil Company, Taipei; Tanzanian Petroleum Development Corporation, Dar-es-Salem, Tanzania; Peruvian National Oil Company; ARAMCO, Saudi Arabia; Ecopetrol Colombia; Petronas Malaysia; Indonesian Petroleum Association; Shengli oil field China; Petrovietnam, Hanoi and HoChiMinh City; Sonatrach, Algeria.

What to Bring

You will need a computer with an internet connection. You may wish to have your text available and pencil and paper to take notes.

Billing Information

In order to guarantee a space in a course, the tuition must be paid in full TWO WEEKS before the first day of the course by either check or credit card. State and government agencies paying with a purchase order are allowed payment under the two-week time frame if a copy of the purchase order is received by NWETC.

If You Need to Cancel


  • With 31 or more days notice, we will offer a 100% refund or credit towards a future course. The credit is good for one year and may be applied to any course.
  • With 30-8 days notice, we will offer a course credit towards a future course. The credit is good for one year and may be applied to any course.
  • With fewer than 8 days notice, there is no course credit available

*Please note that attendee replacement is welcome at any time

Disability Accommodations

Disability Accommodations:

To request disability accommodations, please contact us at or 425-270-3274 at least 30 days prior to the event.


  • From:

  • To:
  •   Live Remote Attendance-- USA Time Zone TBD, WA TBD



*Reduced tuition available to employees of Native American tribes, nonprofits, and government agencies; students; and NAEP members.

If you have any trouble registering please call (425) 270-3274 ext 103
Please wait to receive a course confirmation email, roughly one month prior to the class, before making any travel arrangements. Please review what to bring!


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