Charles Harman is a Principal Ecologist with Amec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure, and Professional Wetland Scientist. Mr. Harman has 30 years of experience in wetlands management, including delineation, evaluation, permitting, and implementation of wetlands mitigation projects. Mr. Harman has delineated freshwater and coastal wetlands using both the 1987 and 1989 delineation manuals and has designed and managed wetland restoration projects as a result of a variety of construction activities. He has designed and conducted detailed evaluations of the potential for ecological impacts to wetlands from the implementation of remedial actions, including pump and treat systems; linear developments, and industrial development. He has evaluated wetlands and other ecological receptors at sites located in sensitive habitats, including bogs and fens, coastal estuaries, and freshwater swamps and marshes. Mr. Harman has prepared and applied for a variety of permits related to natural resource management at both the Federal and state level. Mr. Harman has obtained Nationwide Wetland and Individual Permits under the Clean Water Act Section 404 Program throughout the eastern and mid-western U.S. in advance of pipeline development, landfill construction activities and new building activities.
Mr. Harman was a member of the Interstate Technology and Regulatory Cooperation (ITRC) Work Group on Constructed Wetlands and the Work Group on Mitigation Wetlands. Mr. Harman made major contributions to the Technical/Regulatory Guidelines that were published for both Teams and was an Instructor for the Internet-based training offered by each group. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Wildlife Ecology from Texas A&M University and a Master’s degree in Biology from Southwest Texas State University.