Apryle Craig earned a BS in BioEngineering from the University of Pittsburgh and Master's in Ecology at Colorado State University. Her master's research investigated the impacts of elk browsing and riparian willow restoration on bird communities in Rocky Mountain National Park, CO. She brings extensive experience from Rocky Mountain National Park where she worked as a park intepretive ranger, communicating the park's natural resources to non-scientists. She then shifted to the Natural Resource branch where she oversaw vegetation monitoring, raptor monitoring, elk exclosures, and winter elk counts. To meet the national park's monitoring needs under an ever-constricting budget, Apryle hired seasonal field technicians and grew the park's citizen science programs. In these projects and in her graduate research, she used Excel and R to manage and analyze data. Apryle has held teaching positions at the University of Washington including Wildlife in the Modern World and Wildland Hydrology. She has led hands-on workshops at the University of Washington, Seattle, on camera trapping and GPS use. Apryle is currently completing her PhD in Environmental and Forest Sciences at the University of Washington. Her PhD research is investigating relationships between recolonizing wolves, deer, and vegetation in northeastern Washington.