Description: **Note - For every course we have implemented live stream remote attendance . You will need a computer and an internet connection. This course is designed for participants who wish to gain beginning to intermediate skills in using R for manipulating, visualizing and analyzing their environmental or ecological data. R is a comprehensive statistical programming language that is cooperatively developed on the Internet as an open source project. This freely available statistical package R is a powerful tool and is projected to become the most widely used statistical software. This class uses datasets complete with errors you get practice taking real field data into R, through hands-on using instructor-led examples. It is applicable to anyone that conducts environmental monitoring or uses environmental or ecological data for research, management, or policy-making and is recommended for anyone needing to become proficient with R basics. Being proficient in R will help participants be competitive in their chosen fields. "Provided a solid foundation yet linkages to allow one to delve deeper into more advanced topics." C. Lynch, October 2013 "Very good introduction to R, gained familiarity with data types and data manipulation." B. McGuire, October, 2013
"Provided a lot of information covering how to do many things in R. the book will serve as a good tool using R in the future." P. Kusnierz, October, 2013 "There were excellent course materials. I will be using the manual as a reference for along time to come." T. Kantz, September, 2013
"Hands-on learning; great instructor who knows the subject and the data; excellent camaraderie among the students." T. Kahler, September, 2013 |
After completing this course attendees will be able to: - Understand the uses of R for working with environmental or ecological data
- Installing R and R libraries
- Import and export data from Excel
- Sorting, merging, and aggregating, subsetting, and converting data
- Query and display data and generate basic data summaries
- Create a variety of high quality data visualization graphics
- Perform common statistical tests including t-tests, ANOVA, and linear models
- Develop basic scripts to automate and document procedures and analyses
Please note that attendees will need to have a laptop to class with the R software program. Instructions on how to download the program will be emailed out prior to the class. Installations must be completed prior to class - please contact us if you are having problems. *Reduced tuition is available for Native American tribes, government employees, nonprofits, students and AFS, NAEP, NEBC, TAEP members. You may register online or by calling the Northwest Environmental Training Center at (425) 270-3274. Online registration is strongly encouraged. Please wait to receive a course confirmation email, roughly one month prior to the class, before making any travel arrangements.
Intended Audience: This course is beneficial for anyone desiring to become proficient in the basics of data manipulation, high quality plotting and graphing, and data summary and statistical analyses using R; researchers, students, data analysts, etc.
Continuing Education Units: 1.30 CEUs
Course Topics
- Installing R and R libraries
- Reading and writing data (read(), write()) and viewing R data sets
- Creating new variables and recoding or renaming variables
- Manipulating data (order(), merge(), aggregate(), t(), which())
- Summarizing data (sapply(), summary(), table(), xtabs())
- Visualizing data (par(), plot(),hist(), points(), line(), barplot(), pie(), boxplot())
- Statistical analysis (cor(), t.test(), lm() and regression diagnostics)
- R programming basics (program control and user defined functions)
About the Instructor
 Apryle Craig earned a BS in BioEngineering from the University of Pittsburgh and Master's in Ecology at Colorado State University. Her master's research investigated the impacts of elk browsing and riparian willow restoration on bird communities in Rocky Mountain National Park, CO. She brings extensive experience from Rocky Mountain National Park where she worked as a park intepretive ranger, communicating the park's natural resources to non-scientists. She then shifted to the Natural Resource branch where she oversaw vegetation monitoring, raptor monitoring, elk exclosures, and winter elk counts. To meet the national park's monitoring needs under an ever-constricting budget, Apryle hired seasonal field technicians and grew the park's citizen science programs. In these projects and in her graduate research, she used Excel and R to manage and analyze data. Apryle has held teaching positions at the University of Washington including Wildlife in the Modern World and Wildland Hydrology. She has led hands-on workshops at the University of Washington, Seattle, on camera trapping and GPS use. Apryle is currently completing her PhD in Environmental and Forest Sciences at the University of Washington. Her PhD research is investigating relationships between recolonizing wolves, deer, and vegetation in northeastern Washington.
What to Bring
A laptop with the R software program. A computer with an internet connection. Pen or pencil and paper to take notes if you wish.
Billing Information
In order to guarantee a space in a course, the tuition must be paid in full TWO WEEKS before the first day of the course by either check or credit card. State and government agencies paying with a purchase order are allowed payment under the two-week time frame if a copy of the purchase order is received by NWETC.
If You Need to Cancel
With 31 or more days notice, we will offer a 100% refund or credit towards a future course. The credit is good for one year and may be applied to any course.
- With 30-8 days notice, we will offer a course credit towards a future course. The credit is good for one year and may be applied to any course.
- With fewer than 8 days notice, there is no course credit available
*Please note that attendee replacement is welcome at any time
Disability Accommodations
Disability Accommodations:To request disability accommodations, please contact us at or 425-270-3274 at least 30 days prior to the event.