
Industrial Stormwater Management Workshop

More Information
Course Title: Industrial Stormwater Management Workshop
Course ID: POL-404
Status: CLOSED
Date(s): October 24, 2013: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Location: TBD

Denver, CO
Instructor: Chris Heilbrun
Tuition: $395
Class is Closed



This course provides attendees with an insight into both the development of an effective industrial stormwater management program, and what strategies can be used to meet the requirements of the Colorado commerce and industrial stormwater permit. Participants will also gain a better understanding of the regulatory background, compliance requirements and best management practices (BMPs) associated with the permit. Included topics will inform stakeholders such as permit holders, stormwater service providers and other interested parties about NPDES, Preparing a Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP), source control, sampling considerations, and BMP implementation and maintenance. This course will cover a variety of stormwater topics while providing attendees with a broad-level understanding of Industrial Stormwater Management in Colorado.

Intended Audience:

Permit managers, municipal inspectors, professional engineers, environmental consultants, as well as beginners new to the field and others interested in the topic will benefit from attending this workshop. Industrial wastewater treatment operators needing to fulfill their continuing education requirements are encouraged to attend.

Continuing Education Units: 0.80 CEUs

More Information

Course Topics

Introduction to Industrial Stormwater NPDES Permits

       a.      Federal Regulations

       b.     Other Drivers

Preparing a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)                                  

Implementing the SWPPP Water Quality Sampling

Where Common Pollutants are found in Industrial Stormwater

Sampling protocols, procedures and methodologies

The Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP)

Visual Inspections

Reporting and Recordkeeping

Source  Control

Spill Prevention and Clean up

Best Management Practices (BMPs)

      -        Operational

      -        Structural

      -        Treatment

Corrective action Case Studies and integrating a variety BMPs as solutions

Wrap-up and an outlook to the future of stormwater

About the Instructor

Chris Heilbrun

Chris Heilbrun

Chris Heilbrun, Regional Manager in the SoundEarth Strategies’ Denver office, is a stormwater professional with over 9 years’ experience designing, inspecting, and managing projects throughout the Western U.S. and Rocky Mountain Region. He has developed and implemented stormwater plan designs for clients from variety of large and small industries including oil & gas, developers, home builders, municipalities, and energy generation, transmission, and distribution. Chris’s experience includes training and compliance program development, stormwater plan design and implementation, management of inspection services, business development, consulting teams, consent decree compliance, regulatory enforcement support and response, permit management, re-vegetation, and auditing. 

What to Bring

Pen or pencil and paper if you don't want to take notes in your manual. Lunch will be on your own but drinks and snacks will be provided throughout the day.

Billing Information

In order to guarantee a space in a course, the tuition must be paid in full TWO WEEKS before the first day of the course by either check or credit card. State and government agencies paying with a purchase order are allowed payment under the two-week time frame if a copy of the purchase order is received by NWETC.

If You Need to Cancel


  • With 31 or more days notice, we will offer a 100% refund or credit towards a future course. The credit is good for one year and may be applied to any course.
  • With 30-8 days notice, we will offer a course credit towards a future course. The credit is good for one year and may be applied to any course.
  • With fewer than 8 days notice, there is no course credit available

*Please note that attendee replacement is welcome at any time

Disability Accommodations

Disability Accommodations:

To request disability accommodations, please contact us at or 425-270-3274 at least 30 days prior to the event.


  • From:

  • To:
  •   Denver, CO



*Reduced tuition available to employees of Native American tribes, nonprofits, and government agencies; students; and NAEP members.

If you have any trouble registering please call (425) 270-3274 ext 103
Please wait to receive a course confirmation email, roughly one month prior to the class, before making any travel arrangements. Please review what to bring!


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