
Did You Know?


Did you know that in addition to offering the public courses that you see in our catalog, NWETC will bring any of our courses to you and your organization for a private training?


Recently, we conducted a private session of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA): Writing the Perfect EA/FONSI, or EIS in Bremerton, WA. The instructor, Owen Scmidt, took the photo above at the location, proving that he not only knows his way around NEPA documents, he's pretty good with a camera as well!


The course consistently receives high ratings from attendees because of the combination of instruction on how to make the findings required by the National Environmental Policy Act, and the extensive handouts that include graphic models, supporting case lists, and sample documents.


So if you ever have the need to prepare NEPA documents, Owen and his documents can help. And if you happen to have a group that needs instruction, let us know-bonus if you're in a picturesque location. Owen will bring his camera!

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