
This Months MSNA Work Party

Great Turn Out For March MSNA Restoration.

Murals at the Arboretum

A return to the spankin' clean Arboretum greenhouse to add some paint

Issaquah Middle School

A morning at Issaquah Middle School

EOS helps tidy UW Arboretum

EOS Alliance AmeriCorps team spent a day at the Washington Park Arboretum.

Columbia City Climate Co-op Third and Final Workshop

Columbia City Residents meet for the third and final time last night intent on moving forward with a community effort to combat climate change.

Habitat Restoration: Join us the First Saturday of Every Month

Join us and help to save the Maple School Natural Area Feburary 5th at 10AM. We will also be having a potluck at 1PM, so be sure to work up an appetite!

EOS volunteers at Issaquah's community Pickering Barn for MLK Day

EOS Alliance Americorps team took a day off from the office on Martin Luther King Day and volunteered their time at the Pickering Garden in Issaquah.

EOS Nominated as an Innovative Issaquah Business!

EOS Alliance was recently nominated as one of twenty-one Issaquah businesses that foster innovation within their field

EOS Alliance: Our Carbon Footprint

Our carbon footprint: how carpooling and the King County Vanpool has changed it, and what it was last year

Green Gone Brown

The AmeriCorps team got down and dirty doing some home weatherization!

Beacon Hill International School Compost Program

EOS Alliance joined forces with Angela Castaneda and Carrie Ferrence of Seattle Public Schools to help promote Beacon Hill International School's Compost Program.

Pacific Cascade Middle School Environmental Club

Pacific Cascade Middle School is starting a new Environmental Club and EOS Alliance has teamed up with the Issaquah YMCA to help out.

Lower electricity bills, lower emissions, and more green jobs

Here at EOS we are especially pleased to hear that the Obama administration is stepping up the economic incentives for improving home energy efficiency. A "Cash for Caulkers" stimulus package is in the works, which will make every home, apartment, commercial, and industrial building eligible for up to a $12,000 rebate for energy retrofits! The timing is perfect for us to continue with phase two of our GreenBlocks pilot program. Phase two will include implementing the suggested retrofits of the 95 homes that we audited last spring.

Recycling Center Tour

The AmeriCorps team tours the Allied Waste Recycling Center

The EOS Team Returns to Pine Lake Middle School

EOS and the Youth Earth Service Corps discuss water conservation.

Columbia City Climate Co-op

Columbia City residents and neighbors came together once again to further discuss the potential programs and services a Columbia City Climate Co-op could offer.

Permaculture Workshop Weekend

EOS teams up with Dave Boehnlein of Terra Phoenix Design for a weekend of Permaculture fun

Green Seattle Day!

Our volunteers were part of making Seattle greener! City wide there were 1120 volunteers working at 20 parks across Seattle!


Permaculture Workshop!

Come join us and learn about permaculture through two workshops put on at Seattle University November 20th and 21st!

Sustainable Fun at Pine Lake Middle School

EOS Alliance talks salmon with the Youth Earth Service Corps on October 21


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